If you want to one day be a scientist, or you want to code something, then you can learn very much a lot from using STEM toys. STEM, you might not know, stands for Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths. This helps you to learn a lot about the world, including how certain things work. But can Your STEM Toys Help You Code?
Kids Coding Blog
Coding Young for a Brighter Future
When it comes to finding out what our children want to do, parents often don’t like to make suggestions. After all, it is the life of your child – you shouldn’t really be trying to decide what they want to do for a future career. In a bid to help you with that, let us suggest one potential avenue. If you were to hear your child talking about wanting to be a games developer, or anything creative like this, introducing them to coding as soon as possible!you!
3 Coding Activities You Can Do Without a Computer
When teaching children to code, you need to find a way to do it with and without a PC. Whilst coding is naturally something that you need to do on a computer, it has drawbacks. For one, it’s not healthy to be at the PC all day. Two, you want your children to receive education from more than one source. When it comes to coding, though, working out what that might be is quite tough.
In a bid to help you out, here are 3 coding activities you can do without a computer.
Are your children better with technology than you are?
Children exchange ideas and information with their peers and learn new technology in the classroom. They know far more than their parents who tend to use the same old computer to do the same old thing, every working day. Usually, parents are not exposed to new technology, unlike their children. So, of course, it's likely your child is better with computers than you!
Is technology good for little kids?
If you're a mum or dad, you've probably been in a situation where your kid tries to get the Ipad or cell phone from you to play games, or just to master the numbers and letters. These are stages that you can’t escape, hence, you just have to embrace it. There also comes a time when you might wonder if the technology is a good or bad thing for your little kid.
Emojability – download it today!
So, what's Emojability? The smartphone is everywhere. Almost everyone has one. With the use of smartphones arises a new way of communicating - by the emoji! Technology has made this one of the most prominent changes in modern times. Most devices already have emojis pre-installed, which reflects just how common they are. A phrase can have a different meaning in different cultures, but they are universally recognized pictographs and ideograms. No matter which Country you are in, the emoji means the same.
Learn to Code in Scratch – Lesson 1 – The basics
Learn the basics of the SCRATCH coding platform and develop your first program
The Facebook Parent Portal
Facebook, the social networking application used by 1.8 billion persons globally has no data on what percentage of its users are minors, but with the rate at which the application is growing, there’s a huge chance it’s a significant number. Proactively, Facebook has launched a new parent portal designed to help adults navigate their minor charges through Facebook’s social media landscape.
What’s YOUR digital footprint?
In this age - where technology has taken over almost everything - people have taken both their personal and professional life online.
What is a computer and how does it work?
The computer is an electronic device that processes all kinds of data or information, and is known to be an electronic calculating machine.
What’s the importance of binary numbers?
With the number of hours you spend in front of a computer, has it ever crossed your mind to wonder whether the computer has a language too? And what language is it?
The importance of Computational Thinking
In today's technology-driven era, the use of information in creating solutions to problems is very important in as much as thinking outside the box is very essential. Problem solving, analysing the validity of solutions and spotting patterns in data - these are all essential skills in ‘computational thinking’.
How can computational thinking help children to collaborate
Technology has certainly made life easier and more convenient today than ever. With just a snap of the finger, things can be done. Despite these changes and convenience that technology brought is a bigger impact on how children perceive things and on how they think on a higher level. Computational thinking means breaking big problems into smaller units that can be solved with a computer’s capacity. Collaborative problem solving is known as a foundation of computational thinking.
Implementing an Hour of Code at home
Modern technology offers endless opportunity than any other field today. Almost everyone is given the chance to manipulate and learn the concepts because of the vast source of information available on the internet.
Maybe you have read countless times about hour of code and you've been probably wondering what does it mean. What does hour of code mean?
Breaking down problems
Every single day brings us a new set of problems which we need to find the best way to solve. The process must fit the problem or you will end up not solving it at all. Problems are like puzzles that are broken down. Each smaller problem is a piece of puzzle that will either give a clearer solution or answer to the big problem. How should we be breaking down problems?
What are bugs and what is debugging?
A bug is a coding error, a flaw or a fault in a computer system or program that produces incorrect or unexpected behaviour or a different outcome. Debugging is the process of finding and fixing bugs. Most bugs are caused by mistake or error committed in the program's design, code or component.
Internet Safety
The internet stores a vast amount of information that everyone can access. It is even called as the super information highway because of that. It is an interesting place to learn and a bridge that eliminates the gap between families and friends from the opposite sides of the world. Despite of all these benefits that the internet offers is a danger that comes along with it.
Why is it important to teach children to code?
We are in a world where technology plays a pivotal role in all our lives. Almost all of us use technology because it makes life easier and more convenient.